

  租船业务散杂货运输是公司的核心业务,公司内贸和外贸业务开展,致力于为国内外客户提供"安全、经济、周到"的服务。 运输货物目前覆盖到煤炭、焦炭、各种钢材和矿、碱、化肥、燃油、谷物及其他吨袋杂货、废钢、水泥、金属钢材、设备、板材、石油焦、氧化铝、铁、镍、锰、铬矿,氧化铁粉、木薯、石材、钢结构、重大件机械设备、各类工程车辆、各类钢材、水电站设备、电力设备、建筑工程设备、风能设备、板材等。

   我司自营管理5条船舶, 公司目前通过程租、航次期租、经纪等经营方式满足客户需求。主要运输航线有东亚和东南亚航线(包括东俄罗斯、日本、韩国、中国沿海、台湾、越南、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、PNG、新加坡、马来西亚、柬埔寨、老挝、孟加拉,以及印度);波斯湾、红海、地中海、黑海、以及东非、西非航线;澳洲、新西兰航线;北美和南美航线;欧洲航线。另外,我司还经营散杂货班轮航线,主要运输中国、日本、韩国的各种散杂货物去东南亚、中东、地中海以及东、西非。真诚欢迎各界朋友前来共谋发展!

公司船舶合作经营网络遍及中国各个港口、香港、日本、新加坡、越南等多个国内外口岸城市。内外贸一齐稳定发展。内贸租船南北线、短程运输。我们公司有足够的货源和船源型成了一个资源共享型交易平台。我们内贸货物目前覆盖到煤炭、焦炭、各种钢材和矿、碱、化肥、燃油、谷物及其他吨袋杂货,我司操作的内贸船舶吨位2000吨到40000吨。外贸租船我司外贸航线主要覆盖远东、东南亚、中东、红海、地中海、西非等。远东航线以俄罗斯的煤炭、钢材、废钢、水泥等为主。   我公司内贸部设有询价员和寻货员, 以便随时提供货主所需要了解的航线价格,船东在急需订货时更快的提供货盘。例如我们长期稳定交易的合作伙伴把需求下达到我们信息部门,信息部门整理编排后归类,然后配选递交租船操作部洽谈合同。

   我司海运操作方面经验丰富,与国外的矿山保持长时间的合作关系,每月进口货量在80000-150000吨,熟练安全 效率高的海运经验赢得我们客户的一次次信任。不断的在东方港、海参威、瓦尼诺、科尔萨科夫、霍尔姆斯克港达成进一步的合作。不同领域的客户群体在不断扩大,目前,钢材和废钢进口量基本固定在每月10000吨左右。





Maoyitong International Industrial Co., Ltd. is engaged in a variety of Marine business: including Marine domestic and foreign trade chartering, ship operation, bulk container agency business. Our company takes good faith as the concept, takes good faith as the goal, takes good faith as the purpose, and treats each other sincerely, so that the shipping circle has more than one "honest" word unit. The company strives to serve customers throughout the process. Part of the shareholders of the company is to do trade started, and many domestic and foreign recipients and shippers to establish a good relationship of cooperation.

Bulk and general cargo transportation is the core business of the company, the company conducts domestic and foreign trade business, and is committed to providing "safe, economic and thoughtful" services for domestic and foreign customers. Transportation cargo currently covers coal, coke, all kinds of steel and ore, alkali, fertilizer, fuel oil, grain and other tons of bags of groceries, scrap steel, cement, metal steel, equipment, plates, petroleum coke, alumina, iron, nickel, manganese, chromium ore, iron oxide powder, cassava, stone, steel structure, major pieces of machinery and equipment, all kinds of engineering vehicles, all kinds of steel, hydropower station equipment, power equipment, Construction equipment, wind energy equipment, plate, etc.

Our company manages 5 ships, the company is currently through process chartering, voyage time chartering, brokerage and other business to meet customer needs. The main transport routes are East Asia and Southeast Asia (including East Russia, Japan, Korea, coastal China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, PNG, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh, and India); Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, and East and West Africa routes; Australia, New Zealand route; North and South American routes; The European route. In addition, our company also operates bulk and general cargo lines, mainly transporting various kinds of miscellaneous goods from China, Japan and Korea to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, the Mediterranean and East and West Africa.

Sincerely welcome friends from all walks of life to seek common development!sincerely welcome friends from all walks of life to seek common development with us!

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